My ADHD Rabbit Hole
Looking For Solopreneur Business Ideas? Here Are Some of the Great Things About Copywriting
Copywriting is one of the most stable solopreneur businesses right now. Once you get established there is plenty of work out there! Every product, service, individual, etc needs to have an online presence at this point.
Almost no one actually knows how to do it well (even if they think they do). Plus it takes their focus away from running their business. It’s in their best interest to have someone do it for them.
A lot of industries worry about AI. I don’t buy into the fear but it’s not a real threat for copywriters. Copywriting is about relating to a specific audience and making emotional connections. AI, for all the progress it has made, isn’t very good at this.
Copywriting Online: What Is It and Is It the Right Path for Your Success?
Peggy from Mad Men, she's a copywriter. But what does that mean exactly? Even if Don Draper isn't breathing over your shoulder, it seems like a tough job.
Copywriting has changed a lot & writing copy online is very different. People are seeing fewer commercials due to online streaming. Few people read magazines or newspapers anymore.
Online copywriting is vital to all businesses today because being successful requires having an online presence. The need for digital marketing strategies from copywriters isn't going away anytime soon.
Crash-Testing Solopreneur Business Ideas: See Which One Is Perfect for You
Am I the only one getting bombarded with ads for being an entrepreneur? Or starting an at-home business? You probably see them and think, “What kind of sucker falls for these?” Me. I am the target audience.