winter & willow

web design

YOU, with a dash of marketing.

hello fellow entrepreneur…

Winter & Willow’s mission is to support curious, kind, integrity-driven female entrepreneurs in two ways: by building an abundance-minded community of freelancers, entrepreneurs, and solopreneurs.

And building websites that reflect More You and Less Marketing.

Does your website make you cringe?

Has it been on your To-Do list forever but you can’t seem to get it just right? Or you’re too overwhelmed to even start?

Let’s be honest…Does it feel like it was written by a robot? No heart or personality or what makes your business unique? 

Maybe it’s the opposite problem, super scattered, lacking direction, and leaving visitors confused about what you do?

Anyone can have a website. What makes you stand out is how you are different. Figuring out how to navigate the "rules of marketing" while being true to yourself is hard!

You can have a website that reflects what makes you special AND give Google and “the algorithm” what they want.

Let’s start with a fundamental question first…

do I need a website for my business?


I know. This goes against all the advice.

But not every entrepreneur needs a website, particularly right out of the gate. Many social media platforms have replaced the need for your own dedicated site. There are plenty of entrepreneurs that are consistently profitable without ever investing in a website. 

A website won’t automatically earn you money or build your audience!

when a website makes sense

When you don’t have a social media home yet

Are you struggling to find an audience? Do you still feel uncomfortable when you post? Are you having a hard time posting consistently or staying on brand?

If you haven’t found one platform that feels good and is gaining traction, your website can communicate your values and clarify what you do while finding your footing on social media.

When you have outgrown your current social media home

Maybe you have Instagram down. You feel confident in your posts and they resonate with your audience. But you want to start building on LinkedIn. It will take some time to get comfortable in this new space. And the community you want to reach on LinkedIn may not want to go to your Instagram page.

Audiences and messages don’t always translate across different social media platforms. Having a website gives your budding audience a place to learn more about you without committing to jumping on another platform. And it helps them understand what you do while you figure out a new social space.

what do I need on my business website?

Each entrepreneur is at a different step in their journey. Your needs will be unique. What you offer/focus on will determine what you “need to have” on your site vs. a “nice to have.”

An author’s website will have different priorities than a copywriter's.

👉What Do All Sites Need?!👈

Your personality. Your values. Your creative expression. What makes you unique and amazing to work with!!

how can winter & willow help me with my website? 

Helping your website evolve with your business

I focus on meeting you exactly where you are now and what you need to get to the next level. Why spend on extras that won't contribute to your current phase? I'm all about smart investments and recommending free tools/services when they're an excellent option.

Setting you apart by showing your heart, soul, and values

Authenticity isn't a buzzword for me; it's the core of my personal and business values. Fortunately, it’s also the top priority for great clients. The women I want to work with are on the same page. 

AND the clients they want to work with feel the same too! We want to hear/see each other’s personality and values. Generic marketing sticks out like a sore thumb to us.

Your site should express your passion and expertise, not selling yourself. Show potential clients how your services make their lives easier. You don’t treat clients like just another number. You invest in each one and want them to succeed as much as they do.


website design services

Layout, color scheme/branding, fonts, and visuals (i.e. creating a cohesive visual expression).

Optimizing the structure and organization (easy to use on tablets, desktops, or mobile devices).

SEO consulting and strategy, helping you express your vision, connect with your audience, and get ranked. Backend updates (Google crawling, metadata, etc.)

Services and costs are based on what you need.

Each client also has a unique budget. I understand the financial considerations of running a new business. This will be part of the conversation too.

DISCLAIMER – I'm not a coder! Most platforms don't need any coding experience. If you are looking for a coder...well, I don't know how you found me 😊

Ready to cross “business website” off your list?

Let’s find out what you need to help your business thrive. During the free 30 minute evaluation, you and I will discuss whether website design is what you need. Sometimes a little website guidance goes a long way.

I’m excited to hear about your business and find out how I can support you!

Rachael Massey, writer & web designer, with her mom.

about this curious solopreneur

👋Hi. This is me, Rachael Massey.

I live in California with my cat, Willow, and my mom. I dream of the day we can move to Washington State, buy some land, start a farm, live more sustainably, and continue to “be the change.” 

Rachael Massey's foster-fail, Willow

My foster-fail, Willow

I earned my degree in psychology from Columbia University. I’m the owner of Winter & Willow Web Design and I’m passionate about helping women build confidence, fight for their autonomy, live with intention, and grow their businesses.

In addition to web design, I am a writer, passionate solopreneur, inclusionist, environmentalist, introvert, and neurodivergent. But, in all ventures, I let curiosity lead the way. Follow me down the rabbit hole…LinkedIn, Medium, or Instagram. Contact me directly.

feed your growth mindset